In keeping with reading the Millenium trilogy and other European authors, I am knitting socks by a wonderful German designer, Stephanie van der Linden. I even have a copy of her newest book in English: The Sock Knitter's Workshop
Thursday, July 15, 2010
In keeping with reading the Millenium trilogy and other European authors, I am knitting socks by a wonderful German designer, Stephanie van der Linden. I even have a copy of her newest book in English: The Sock Knitter's Workshop
Sunday, July 11, 2010
'Psycho Squirrel Strikes Again

Originally uploaded by readingknitter01
In honor of the "very friendly" squirrel at work who kept a co-worker trapped inside the office recently. Although he hasn't yet attacked anyone, and is probably just looking for a snack, she claimed he had wild eyes and his hair was standing on end! This baby is meant to last-constructed in spundola and sayelle yarns that must be at least 50 years old!
To go with the squirrel, I am reading all of Kay Hooper's psychic FBI unit books. Entertaining light summer reading. And the library has all of them as books and a few on CD. I am up to 93 books this year- well on my way to reaching my goal of 200 read in 2010.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
More Knitting in 2010

Originally uploaded by readingknitter01
Got a lovely project bag hand-made by my sister; a camera from my daughter; and lots of yarn (mostly green, which is my favorite color) so I will be knitting a lot this year.
Last year I only missed 5 days so in 2010 my goal is to knit every single day. I will also do toe-up socks, color work, and finish as many UFOs as possible.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Jake's Dumber than Snakes Mitts

jake with snakes
Originally uploaded by readingknitter01
My 10-year old nephew would not give me any rest this Christmas until I made him some fingerless mitts-especially since I knit things for several other family members this year. He watched me making the mitts, commenting on my speed and progress and allowing me only short breaks until I finished. He hasn't taken them off except to sleep! He chose the color scheme and will probably wear them to soccer games-the yarn is washable but i don't think they will stay white for long.
It's cool to have a 10-year old boy demand that you knit him something!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My garden is blooming

HJ and Matilda in Sarah's Garden
Originally uploaded by Mamas 2 Hands
Here are some of my out of town Ravelry vistors- Hoppin' John is from Maryland and is currently touring the US. Matilda is from Australia and fell madly in love with John when she met him at the Knit and Crochet Show in Portland, OR last week. Now they are travelling together- they returned to Colorado with my other Rav friend who came to attend the show.
Got lots of ideas for knitting and crochet at the show and i picked back up my February lady sweater to work on. i am wanting to do more clothing and perhaps even some designing of my own.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Socks are done!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
New books, socks, sweaters and gardens
On the knitting front I am almost finished with my first big girl sock, and about 20% through my first sweater. But it's spring and gardening is distracting me from knitting!